
What is a Turtle Roll?
Before you can line up a wave, you have to actually get out past the ones that are breaking all around you. The turtle roll is a technique that will allow you to do that. It helps you get past barriers, jump over hurdles and achieve greatness.
We hope to do the same with Turtle Roll Rum. Little beginner steps, with an ethically produced rum that hopes to effect positive change in our oceans.
How our rum is made
Turtle Roll Rum has been imagined and made in Kent, England. It’s distilled with Venezuelan, Dominican and Jamaican sugar cane, using a clean, high-quality and sustainable production process that runs fully on renewable energy. Our concept and sustainability reflect our appreciation for the sea and seagrass, a wonder plant that’s crucial to the health of our oceans (read our Ocean Pledge, below).

The bottle
Our commitment to sustainability
We’ve chosen the most sustainable options we could for the materials and processes used for our bottling and packaging.
Once you've enjoyed the rum, we encourage you to reuse the bottle as many times as possible before it goes back into recycling.
- 100% recycled glass bottle.
- Screenprinted labels with water-based ink
- Cork stoppers made with activated charcoal to remove the need for additional chemicals and industrial processes
- Bamboo pulp used in packaging instead of cardboard
Our ocean pledge

In the UK, we've lost 92% of our seagrass meadows in the past century. Globally, they're declining by around 7% a year – that's an area equivalent to two football pitches per hour.
We’re working with Project Seagrass to help save the world’s seagrass. We pledge to donate 10% of profits, so that when you buy Turtle Roll you're contributing to maintaining ocean biodiversity.